Prince Albert, SK
Sakâw Askiy Management Inc. (Sakâw) is a corporation that holds the Prince Albert Forest Management Agreement (PA FMA) and facilitates forest management within the FMA area for seven shareholders. The shareholders are six forest manufacturing facilities and two First Nations groups who have been allocated wood from within the FMA area.
- Location:
- General Manager:
Diane Roddy
“A Collaborative Industry Partnership, recognized for Working Together in a Manner that ensures Sustainable Forest Management and demonstrates our determined Commitment to the Companies, Communities and the Citizens we serve”
About Sakaw:
Sakâw Askiy (Sakâw) is a corporation that was formed to hold the Prince Albert Forest Management Agreement (PA FMA). This agreement is a license between the province and shareholders that provides the rights to harvest wood, as well as the obligation to manage the forest resources in the designated area sustainably. The business shareholders of Sakaw are five forest companies and two First Nations who have been allocated the rights to harvest wood from within the allocated FMA area.
Wood from within the PA FMA area is used to support forest products mills in Glaslyn, Meadow Lake, Big River and Carrot River, as well as several smaller facilities operated by third parties within the province.
Indigenous Involvement in Sakaw:
One of the Sakaw shareholders is NorSask Forest Products/L&M Wood Products. They are part of the group of Aboriginal-owned companies who hold allocations of wood from within the forest area (AC Forestry, Montreal Lake Business Ventures, and NorSask/L&M). The NorSask sawmill in Meadow Lake is the largest 100% First Nations owned and operated sawmill in Canada.
An objective when forming Sakaw was to create economic opportunities for First Nations people and communities in the forest industry. It is understood that forestry jobs are important in the north where economic development and employment opportunities are limited. Forestry is northern Saskatchewan’s 2nd largest industry. With the growth of Sakaw and the joining of shareholders into a forest management group, First Nation now have interests in 44% of the wood allocations under the Sakaw licence. In Saskatchewan, over 28% of the timber harvested is allocated and delivered to Indigenous-owned businesses, the highest of any province in Canada.